Saturday 5 November 2011

Mushroom magic

November 5th 2011 is Coulemelle Day.

Coulemelle, also known as the Parasol Mushroom (Macrolepiota procera to Latin readers), is one of the few mushrooms we know we can eat. We were introduced to it by a neighbour a few years ago and, after checking two books and discovering it can't be confused with other mushrooms due to its size, we look forward to it every year.

Calendar watchers will want to know that it arrived on November 4th 2009:

And on September 22nd 2010:

Here's a quick recipe to celebrate this year's magical free food day, which will extend our enjoyment by three months (if we can leave them in the freezer that long).

Bag yourself some mushies from the field. (5 mins)

Tear into bits and make a pile. (10 mins)

Put a batch in a hot wok with oil and butter. (5 secs)

Sautée. (less than 5 mins)

Put on a plate to cool. (3 secs)

Bag up, freeze and repeat while crops last. (Only a few days)


dND said...

Oh my those look lovely.

I'm only brave enough to identify the field mushrooms which were sadly absent this year due to the drought. There is always next year though :-)

the devolutionary said...

I'm scared of field mushrooms at the moment. There's one in our book that's listed as fatal that looks just like the others. Will need someone to show me the difference...

dND said...

I think that's the angel of death?? I make sure my 'mushrooms' have beige or black gills and don't go yellow when you bruise them. I also check each one - I found a look-a-like growing alongside some horse mushrooms. It bruised yellow while the horse mushrooms didn't.

the devolutionary said...

A former neighbour told me about a mushroom yesterday called the Rosé-des-Prés. A white dome-like top with pink gills. I found one today, brought it back and compared it to our main book. The photo in the book could have been the mushroom I found, it was that close. So I cooked it with some coulemelles for pizza. Incredibly mushroomy and delicious. With the beef heart mushroom from a few weeks ago, we've added two mushrooms to our experience this year!