Wednesday 13 February 2008

Recipe for an orchard/chicken run fence in the style of Gary Rhodes

This is especially good when you're expecting a dozen or so chickens and about the same in fruit trees.


17 2.5m pointed fence posts
8 2m treated timbers
8 1m pointed posts
8 nails
240m 1.5mm wire
80m 2m chicken wire
80m 1m chicken wire
650 ring clips
Fencing staples

Preparation time: A few weeks


1. Simply dig a trench to form a square, 20m on each side, about 30cm down and 30cm across, and leave the earth to one side. Then place your fence posts at regular intervals, hammering them about 49.7cm into the ground (remembering that two posts will need to be roughly 1.23m apart for your door).

2. Notch your corner posts with a bow saw and used the treated timbers and 1m posts as leaners, using nails as required (I always find pre-drilling the holes stops the wood splitting).

3. Attached the wire to the top and bottom of your posts, and again 30.4cm above ground level, and tension with a Gripple.

4. Now hang the 2m chicken wire from the top-most wire, securing it with the staples and ring clips. Then hang the 1m chicken wire from the middle wire and fold gently into the trench, using more ring clips where necessary.

5. Just fill the trench with the earth and - voila! All you have to do now is make the door.


Anonymous said...

set it to simmer and take off the scum,
and an orchard / chicken run is the residuuuuuuuuu ... um.

the devolutionary said...

Seeing as the only Jason I can remember is an American I met in Greece 14 years ago (who I haven't seen or spoken to since), best assume this Jason is some scammer - click on the link at your own risk. I won't.

the devolutionary said...

Oh, and Hi Rup. Long time no e.