In "Farm and Smallholder Fencing", Michael Roberts raves about the Gripple. His Gripple section begins: "If you have not come across this system before then you don't know what you're missing!"
I hadn't. And I didn't.
But when I went in to buy my Fencing Stuff for the Orchard/Chicken Run a few weeks ago, I insisted on buying a Gripple. The shop assistant (clearly missing something - probably the humility to say: "What the hell's that?") said I didn't need one. I confidently overruled him, despite the unexpectedly large (from memory) 85-euro price tag.
Having decided the lowest of the three (to be) tensioned wires on the orchard/chicken run fence was the least important, I grabbed my Gripple and began my mistakes there.
Immediately, I found it to be quite counter-intuitive. Not just because it looks open when it is closed...

And closed when it's open...

But the little Thingies...

Seem to work best when apparently upside-down. With the Gripple also, apparently, upside-down. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but it works for me. Now.
One thing I struggled with initially, was how to put the wire you want to tension in the cleat. I watched the DVD last night, but all it shows is a guy with forearms the size of thighs joining wire he could obviously do by hand.
I just referred to the book, looking for a phrase along the lines of: "As with all tools, there's a knack to using it" without giving the knack. (I'm sure it's in there somewhere, but clearly about another tool.)
Instead, I found the following indispensable piece of advice: "Open the tensioning tool as wide as possible and you will see that the wire gripper or cleat opens as well."
Books, eh?
I have spent an hour in the rain trying to get the bloody thing working.... then another hour trying to find an official guide to use the gripple - then I stumbled on your posting, thank you - now that's how to open the bloody cleat!
I am a woman that is able to do all things "manly", sorry to say, I had no problem using the gripples or the gripple tool for that matter and found that it worked better than the team of workers that were with me?!?!?! What can I say, maybe it is a "CHICK" tool!
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