The fruit trees should have been planted in November. I still have three corner posts that need leaners. An 80-metre trench that needs moving a few inches closer to the fencing line. Plain wire and chicken wire to put up. And a door and lintel to make.
Not in that order. That would be ridiculous.
Then there's a polytunnel to buy and erect. A source to find (might start looking at the bottom of Pepito's field, near the waterfall). Woods to clear. Grass to mow. Fires to burn. Buildings to build. A dossier to write. Meetings to have. And sooo much more.
So we went to Le Bugue this morning to meet Marlene. She has pigs. These pigs:

These pigs:

Entire fields of pigs:

At the moment she has 87. In a couple of weeks she'll have 85. The other two will be turning the soil over in what will become our veggie bed. They don't have much time. We're going to be planting the (unbought and unsown) seedlings from our (unbought and unerect) polytunnel in April.
Which means I now have to focus on building a pig ark and fencing the veggie bed. Single-handed. (While the other hand claps urgently behind my back).
before you bring home the bacon, try saying "beer can sandwich" `a few times and think of the caribbean. Porkquoi pas?
A man was driving by a farm when he saw a pig with an artificial leg. Not quite sure of what he was seeing, he decided to stop and ask. He went up to the farm house and knocked on the door. The farmer answered the door and the man said, " I was driving by and saw the pig with the artificial leg and I just had to find out why does that pig have an artificial leg!"
"Well" the farmer answered, "that is a really special pig. The house was on fire and that pig saved our lives. He is just a really special pig."
"But why the artificial leg?" asked the man.
"Well," the farmer replied,"a pig that special you wouldn’t eat all at once.!"
Please don't name them. Things with names can become your friends. Please don't eat your friends. . . . .
No, they won't have names. But there will always be a place for them in our (unbought) freezer...
Napoleon and Snowball, surely...
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
I didn't know you'd be getting pigs, very exciting! And what's this about a pig ark? You have me intrigued...
Martin (dunnhumby Cinnamon)
Simon, food for thought, as always. nautipuss, you don't have long to wait...
Hope you got the George Orwell reference
Missed that one completely. Haven't read it since 1978, though. And it's such a short book.
Hmm.. thought as much
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