Friday 25 March 2011

That relaxing French lifestyle

It's been said by more than one visitor, and not just to us: "You're so lucky. You get to sit around in the sunshine drinking beer all day."


What visitors don't realise is that while it may be true that, at that particular moment, we are sitting in the sunshine drinking beer, it is only because the visitors are there. The rest of the time, we and (almost) all the Englanders I know are working our buttocks off. By way of an example, during the last three days, I've been turning an 18-foot yurt platform into a 19-foot yurt platform.

Here it was on Wednesday:

On Thursday:

And just now:

Meanwhile, between seeding and weeding the lower field, Her Outdoors has been indoors, making the cover to go on the yurt, thusly:

No sitting around drinking beer for her. (Not during the day anyway.) I did have a beer a few minutes ago but, for the record, I stood the whole time. No visitors, see?


Sarah said...

So true! Our friends in the Uk say that our life is just one big holiday but we've never worked so hard! Working on the house and garden is much nicer than the old work we used to do though.

the devolutionary said...

Hi Sarah, thanks for commenting and I couldn't agree more! Every now and again I think about the commute I used to do: scooter, train, tube... Then my brain seizes up at the vision of the District Line at South Ken and I go back to whatever hole I am currently digging.