Tuesday 22 September 2009

Winter doesn't stop for lunchbreaks

In an ideal world, you probably wouldn't leave it this late in the year to build your winter home. But for various reasons, known and unknown, we have.

After a further visit from our friend with the JCB, who dug a nice big hole for our sceptic tank, we began our bedroom yurt platform, which currently looks like this:

Right next to it, our bathroom-to-be looked like this when the sun rose today (yes, I carried all those blocks up there, which is one of the many reasons I'm so bluddie tired at the moment):

And after being savaged by English mafia Dave and James without the benefit of a lunchbreak, looks like this as the sun begins to set:

Let's see what we can do with the next few days of glorious weather, shall we? No pressure. Winter's only six weeks or so away...

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