Proof that "We're going to live in a tent in a field" is easier read than done. (WARNING: Contains occasional but understandable swearing.)
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
A blog for the hard of reading
I can't help noticing that I use more words than other bloggers. So here's the story in pictures.
We're selling this:
To buy this:
And this:
And lots of this:
To live in this:
With some of these for guests:
One of which we're putting in this:
And dragging behind this:
To France. On the 25th. Of next month.
Pictures. I like the pictures.
They help to make it more like it's really happening and real and a little less like the interweb ramblings of some strangely afflicted manic halfwit who aspires to change their life completely within the shortest timespan imaginable, sweeping innocents along in your wake . . . .
Pictures. I like the pictures.
They help to make it more like it's really happening and real and a little less like the interweb ramblings of some strangely afflicted manic halfwit who aspires to change their life completely within the shortest timespan imaginable, sweeping innocents along in your wake . . . .
What am I going to do with all my words, though? I've got loads of them here...
I'm liking the school project display approach. Gets to the point.
Romo, I stole it from your tidying your flat post - but I couldn't provide such excellent artwork. x
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