(If that doesn't get me near the top of yurt web searches, I'm not sure what will. The only thing missing is "yurt campsite".)
So now our garage has a yurt campsite in it:

With four more roof wheels in the shed behind the house and another one in the spare bedroom with our front doors, there's a very good chance we're the current Dordogne, Aquitaine, French or even World Record Holders for Maximum Number of Yurts in a Rented House. We'll never know.
While he was down here, as well as testing out our fresh-out-of-the-box organic, hypoallergenic organic bamboo guest bedding (with which, he said, he had the "best night's sleep in ages"), he also helped me make the Mark IV Horse Field (more on this, later):

This shaving horse (that's Matt looking rightfully smug on it):

And told me how to avoid being eaten by a tiger, or trampled by an elephant. Which I hope won't be quite so useful.
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